E2: Rock the Pines


Example hero paragraph text.

Ready to register?

We are excited for you to join us at E2! Be sure to read every section on this page before registering.

Registration is currently closed, but will open mid-March.

Terms and conditions

  1. Know, observe and comply with the terms and conditions of this agreement, all federal and state laws, all ASU policies and regulations governing student conduct, including the Student Code of Conduct and the Computer, Internet and Electronic Communication Policy and any subsequent policies or regulations that ASU may adopt or publish during the term of the agreement.
  2. The integrity of the program must be considered and maintained at all times. The following behavior will not be tolerated:
    • Alcohol possession and/or consumption.
    • Possession and/or use of illegal drugs.
    • Possession and/or use of weapons.
    • Assault (physical, verbal or psychological).
    • Excessive noise or disturbance.
    • Fighting, disrespect, disorderly conduct, or not following staff instructions.
    • No outside visitors are allowed during camp.
  3. Personal communication/entertainment device items are restricted.
  4. TV sets, laptops and stereo equipment need to remain at home.
  5. Students will be expected to pay for any lost, stolen or damaged university property or property of the transportation to and from E2 Camp or to the campgrounds.
  6. All students must remain at the camp for the duration of the camp.
  7. The camp reserves the right to dismiss a student from the camp.

Waiver Form
(Release, Indemnity, and Assumption of Risk)

All student participants must submit a signed Release, Indemnity, and Assumption of Risk form to participate in E2. The form must be received before registration will be completed. Students who attempt to attend E2 without a signed form on file will not be permitted to participate.

This form requires a parent/guardian signature. 

Step 1: complete the form.
Step 2: submit the form.
Step 3: enter the email address for your parent/guardian.
Step 4: you will see an email address displayed and language directing you to confirm your email. You must complete this step so that the form will be sent to your parent/guardian.
Step 5: advise your parent/guardian to complete and submit the form.

Photo/recording release

By clicking on the “register” button above, I grant permission to the Arizona Board of Regents, a body corporate, for and on behalf of Arizona State University and its agents and employees (ASU), the absolute right to use, not use, reuse, publish, republish and make derivative works of, all or any part of photographs and/or motion pictures and/or voice recordings and/or written/spoken statements taken of me on the date(s) and at the location(s) listed below (the photos/recordings), in any media now or hereafter known, including the internet, for the purpose set forth below and for any related ASU purposes, including illustration, promotion, art, editorial and advertising, without restriction.

I waive any right to inspect or approve the photos/recordings, or any uses thereof, now or in the future and I waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising from or related to the use of the photos/recordings.

I release and discharge ASU of and from any claims, demands and damages that may arise from or related to the use of the photos/recordings, including any claims for libel or violation of any right of publicity or privacy and including any re-use, distortion, blurring, alteration or use in composite form. It is in the discretion of ASU to decide whether and how to use the photos/recordings.

This release will be binding upon me and my heirs, legal representatives and assigns. Unless my parent or guardian signs where indicated on the signature lines below, I certify that I am 18 years of age or older and I am competent to contract in my own name. I have read this release and I fully understand the contents, meaning and impact of this release.

For subjects of the photos/recordings who are under 18, a release must be signed by both the minor subject and his/her parent or guardian. By signing, the parent or guardian attests that he/she is competent to contract in her/his own name, has read this release, and fully understand the contents, meaning and impact of this Release.

E2 activity fee

I understand that a $50 freshman activity fee is charged to my ASU student account, regardless of my attendance.

There is no need to pay this fee up front. It is posted to the ASU Student Account along with tuition, other fees, etc.

Financial aid can cover the cost of E2 Camp.

Camp dates

Camp 1

July 25–27, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 2

July 27–29, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 3

July 29–31, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 4

July 31–Aug. 2, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 5

Aug. 3–5, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 6

Aug. 5–7, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 7

Aug. 6–8, 2024
Pine Rock

Camp 8

Aug. 7–9, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 9

Aug. 8–10, 2024
Pine Rock

Camp 10

Aug. 9–11, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 11

Aug. 10–12, 2024
Pine Rock

Camp 12

Aug. 11–13, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 13

Aug. 12–14, 2024
Pine Rock

Camp 14

Aug. 13–15, 2024
Chapel Rock

Camp 15

Aug. 14–16, 2024
Pine Rock

Camp 16

Aug. 15–17, 2024
Chapel Rock