Frequently asked questions
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Is E2 required?
While not mandatory, the deans expect all first-year students to attend E2. It is a proven way to help new Fulton Schools students be successful in their first year at ASU. All students are assessed the fee to attend, regardless of if you attend. The $50 fee will be assessed to the student accounts of all first-time, full-time Fulton Schools freshmen. Log in to your MyASU interactive account to view and pay the fee (along with any other tuition and fees due according to the Tuition & Billing Calendar). You cannot pay the E2 fee in advance. If a student receives financial aid, it may cover the cost.
When can I register for E2?
Registration opened in March. Register now to ensure a spot during the camp session of your first choice!
Once I have registered for E2, will/can I switch to a different date?
E2 is first-come, first-serve and switching sessions is limited based on space. Should you wish to switch, send an email to [email protected].
Will I receive a confirmation email when I register?
You will receive an email confirmation once you have successfully submitted your registration request. However, you are not officially confirmed until you submit your waiver form. It is available here.
What is the waiver form?
All student participants must submit a signed Release, Indemnity and Assumption of Risk form to participate in E2. The waiver form is available here.
What is the student activity fee on my student account?
The $50 fee will be assessed to the student accounts of all first-time, full-time Fulton Schools freshmen. Log in to your MyASU interactive account to view and pay the fee (along with any other tuition and fees due according to the Tuition & Billing Calendar). You cannot pay the E2 fee in advance. If a student receives financial aid, it may cover the cost.
Will transportation be provided?
Yes. Students will be taken by bus from check-in at the Tempe, West Valley or Polytechnic campuses to the camp in Prescott. At the end of E2, students will take the bus back to the campus where they were picked up. Tempe campus check-in is available for every E2 camp. West Valley campus check-in is available for camps 13, 14 and 15. Polytechnic campus check in is available for camps 13, 14 and 15.
Can I drive up to E2?
No. Parking is very limited at E2 and is reserved for faculty, staff and volunteers.
Do I need to be dropped off or will I be able to leave my car on campus?
All students must take the bus to and from campus. There is no overnight parking on campus. Parking services will tow any car that is parked without an ASU permit.
I live near Prescott, can I check-in at camp?
Exemptions may be made on a case-by-case basis for those who live near Prescott or the surrounding area. Please send your request to [email protected]. Include the student’s name, ASU ID number and the session number the student is confirmed for. Please make all requests at least two weeks in advance.
Accommodations and packing
I’m from out of state. Which session can I attend?
Out-of-state students can attend any of the sessions, but we reserve spaces for you at certain camps to accommodate you with early move-in. Learn more about early move-in.
Can I request a roommate?
Due to the large number of participants, roommate requests cannot be accommodated.
What if I have medication that needs to be refrigerated?
Please indicate this when you register. We can make arrangements for it to be stored for you.
I have an accommodation or would like to discuss another concern, what are my options?
Please email us at [email protected] and we will discuss your options with you.